Friday, March 14, 2008

A wee bit 'o eye candy . . .

Alright, so I usually don't go out of my way to plug a particular movie (I save my endorsements for prescription painkillers and narcotics), but last night I was particularly touched by a little Irish ditty called 'Dear Frankie.' If you haven't seen it, do. As you might derive from the above photo, I spent the bulk of the night in intermittent tears, torn up by such weighty issues as childhood hope, heartbreaking loss and how freaking hot Gerard Butler is.

I think my most profound comment on the film came when, racked with tears, I stuttered, "He's just this sweet, broken child who only wants to be loved. . . and Gerard. . . is just. . . so, so, hot."

As you can see:


My Three Sons said...

Ooh put it perfectly. And, just so you know, in that particular photo you look a little like Tinkerbell :)

Kris and Sarah said...

hahaha you do look like tinkerbell! I'ts cute. Funny you should mention Gerard! I just watched 300 for the first time last night. HOLY CRAP! Is he even human? So freaken hot!!


I LOVE Dear Frankie! We are so movie friends. Well, and friends in general of course.

Danica Osborn said...

Seen it, Own it, LOOOOVE it!

Anonymous said...

Apparently we all love Dear Frankie, but I have to point outthe fact that the movie is Scottish as is Gerard.

libbie said...

I love everything about Gerard. EVERYTHING.

Kristen said...

Scottish.. Irish...

Dear Anonymous,

Whatever the nationality, sex appeal is the same in any accent.

MishMyBelle said...

Kristen, I loved this movie! And yes, he is one sexy man!

Leslie said...

I'm so glad you liked the movie. It's been one of my favorites for a few years now. For all the same reasons! ;)