I know it's a little late for nominations, but prior to today I didn't fully understand the requirements for qualifying for the Peace Prize.
You see, I thought it was hard.
However, upon further inspection (i.e. this morning's award), I'd like to throw my own hat in the ring and say:
I deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.
What makes me worthy of this honor, you ask?
- Three days ago I gave a box of Special K to a homeless man on El Camino Real
- I recently bought a hoodie with the words "Peace and Love" scripted on the back.
- I'm a lover of all mankind. But mostly men - kind.
- I like peace.
- I deliver peace in the form of baked goods on a frequent basis.
- I allow other cars to merge in front of me on the 5 (and try really hard not to merge INTO them).
- I apologized for all my at-fault car accidents.
- I've dated a few people that would qualify me for sainthood.
- I'm willing to be Brandon Flower's publicist/manager/wife/mother of future children, PRO-BONO.
- I totally bought a pair of TOMS shoes.
- I stay out of the way of good surfers.