Unlike less-pleasant events that take place on a yearly basis (i.e. DMV visits and OBGYN appointments), I thought it fitting--and dare I say amusing--to seal up a year concluded with my thoughts, questions and reflections of our dear 2010.
Buying drugs in Mexico is not as easy as everyone makes it sound.
Smuggling avocados into the United States may produce dire consequences.
In 2010 I received both cosmetic surgery and a large, perfectly-cut diamond. The relationship betwixt these events will remain one of the great mysteries of our time.
I've realized that my greatest fear about marriage is that I'll no longer be allowed to eat cereal in bed at 6 in the morning.
A 7-mile run really will solve most, if not all, of life's problems.
You don't have to be registered to run in the Hungtington Beach Turkey Trot if you pin a paper to your shirt and look like you mean business.
Friendships ended when both of you are on Percocet are usually repairable.
I am most popular among the under-12 and over-50 crowd.
Agreeing to marry a 33 year-old Mormon boy will guarantee his parents love you. For life.
Making it to the last week of December does not let you out of the woods. You could, for instance, receive two traffic tickets and a failed clutch that week. Maybe.
Lots of people care whether or not you wear a wedding dress to your own wedding.
Ocean water less than 74 degrees may as well be the North Atlantic.
If you're getting married in March, don't quietly reflect, once Christmas is over, that you have nothing to look forward to now.
Sometimes it takes 2 years to officially change your residence to a new state.
I will forever wonder how I succeeded in life without a Kitchenaid.
FroYo addiction is a very real and personal problem in our society today.
Just because you quit blogging doesn't mean you have to quit blog-stalking.
Most things are forgivable; even taking a week off for a surf trip but nada for your honeymoon. Sometimes.
Here's to a new year - maybe being a Mrs. will give me something more exciting to blog about than my paltry life alone.