Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trading Breadcrumbs for Bread?

So lately I've been thinking about boredom and how I have it. Not with life - I'm a busy girl, a full-time marketeer, a freelance writer, an (almost) daily runner, a wanna-be personal shopper (so I practice - personally) and an amateur baker. Not to mention there's always miles of San Diego beaches, a handsome boyfriend and - when all else fails - Costco to keep me entertained.

But lately - and don't take this the wrong way - I've been thinking about blogging and how it's sooo two-thousand-and-late. Yeah, yeah, it's like a journal - well, I've never been organized enough to keep one and cataloging my life at this point could only lead to unwanted liabilities down the road (don't read this, unborn children). So I'm moving on to something that interests me more:


Namely the fluffy, frosted, sprinkled, rolled, cut, iced, folded, piped, and filled kind.

The BAKED kind.

So I bought a web site (name to be divulged when it's up and at 'em), and will try my hand at the online baked goods business (you know, in my spare time). Luckily, I have at my disposal a web designer (hope you're reading this and get the hint), and a businessy-accountanty boyfriend who also doubles as a very willing critic of all things baked.

But for added motivation (and for my journal, wink-wink), I'm displaying a few of my bake-reations (that's not a bad name, huh?)